Facial recognition

Easily identify and automatically extract metadata from your image and video files.

Our solutions allow improving the customer experience through facial recognition of identity and emotions, creating unique and personalized moments that generate a greater impact and commitment to the brand. Our applications allow you to have your clients and their emotions identified at any time. There are use cases for access security, customer service, loyalty, increasing sales. We have managed to integrate IoT with Facial Recognition in stadiums, hotels, amusement parks, industrial campuses, etc.


  • Detects if the face is a real face or a picture.
  • Identifies by real face, picture or video.
  • Integration with other software systems.
  • Detects moving images.

Product features

It allows detecting when faces appear on images and videos, and obtaining attributes such as gender, age range. Equipment difficult to infringe since physical contact between the user and the equipment is not necessary.

Fast and safe action access. In a matter of seconds, the program will recognize the person as easy as opening and closing a door.

Implement in web and mobile applications. Integrate with other applications such as fingerprint detector.

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